[Knowledge quiz show] Education for improving awareness of the disabled in the workplace
과정코드 HLSP55466
교육분야 공통/직무 > 필수교육 > 필수기타
학습방법 Web + Mobile
교재제공 여부 없음 -
고용보험 환급액 없음
교육비 30,000원
학습기간 1개월
학습시간 1시간 (영상재생시간 01:13:54)
*영상재생시간은 퀴즈와 summary를 제외한 영상시간입니다.
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Lively quiz contest + professional lecture collaboration

Education for improving awareness of the disabled in the workplace in the type of entertainment show, having been never seen before, through the witty quiz contest!

Learning common topics in unique way with lively entertainment show X expert's professional lecture X various examples

Education for improving awareness of the disabled in the workplace with a variety of sections


1. By being aware of prejudice against disability and understanding disability from the perspective of social model, trainees can explain the rights of the disabled as a worker and the methods for solving physical and institutional disability problems.
2. Trainees can understand the Disability Discrimination Act, cases of discrimination against the disabled in the workplace, and remedies in case of violation of disabilities rights, distinguish formal equality and substantive equality for the disabled, and have the mindset to practice substantive equality.
3. Trainees can understand the employment policy for the disabled and the support policy for employers employing the disabled, and broaden the perspective for employment of the disabled by understanding the education for improving the job ability of the disabled.


1. Breaking the mold of the traditional legal education, learning can be useful and interesting by two hosts’ quiz match, case examples, related talk. (Improving content understanding and immersion)
2. All the information that needs to be provided through the compulsory education course (incl. Personal Information Protection Act Laws and Regulations, deep understanding, safety measures, amendment, issue trend) is provided through the course.
3. The required hours (60 min) can be fulfilled through the compact micro lessons that last around 12 minutes each.
4. Trainees can access the course content on mobile platforms for improved convenience, but it is also available on the web.
5. PDF type material makes it more convenient for the trainees.


1. Employees who want to make a happy workplace by improving the awareness of disability in the workplace
2. Public institution employees who want to create a bright and healthy organizational culture by improving the awareness of disability in the workplace


한국방송통신대학교 교육학과 졸업​
- 사회관계연구소 소장
- 병무청 사회복무연수센터 강사
- 서울특별시교통연수원 강사
- 시흥여성새로일하기지원본부 강사
- 前SK아카데미 특강 강사
- 前고용노동부 고용노동혁신 국민자문위원
- 한국장애인고용공단 장애인식개선교육 강사자격
- 성희롱예방교육 강사 자격
- 신세계I&C E-러닝교육
- 휴넷 E-러닝 / 대면교육
- 현대경제연구원 E-러닝교육

한국장애인고용공단 장애인식개선교육 강사자격​
국민권익위원회 청렴연수원 기본강사 자격, 전문과정 수료​
2급 전문면접관 자격​
성희롱예방교육 강사 자격​
CDI강사과정 수료​
CS강사, CS컨설턴트, 이미지메이킹 자격


[Knowledge quiz show] Education for improving awareness of the disabled in the workplace
Your thoughts on people with disability
Discrimination NO Equality YES
Employment policy for people with disability
Working together
Happy together


항목 사전 진단 진도율 진행단계평가 최종평가 과제 수료점수
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수료조건 없음 100%이상 없음 없음 없음