[Employee trouble solution] Workplace sexual harassment prevention education
과정코드 HLSP53327
교육분야 공통/직무 > 필수교육 > 성희롱예방
학습방법 Online Lecture (Web + Mobile)
교재제공 여부 없음 -
고용보험 환급액 없음
교육비 30,000원
학습기간 1개월
학습시간 1시간 (영상재생시간 01:35:14)
*영상재생시간은 퀴즈와 summary를 제외한 영상시간입니다.
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‘Ask Anything’ type of comic talk + expert lecture collaboration

Let's meet the comical talks with this comedian couple, “Entertainment type” sexual harassment prevention education at work that we have never seen before!

A way to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace where you can immerse yourself in watching broadcast programs through high-quality collaboration of celebrities’ Entertainment Type X expert lectures!


1. Explain the legal concept of sexual harassment, distinguish between sexual harassment and similar concepts (including workplace harassment), and understand the establishment requirements of sexual harassment in the workplace also the types of sexual harassment in the workplace.
2. Understand the criteria for judgment of sexual harassment in the workplace, use them to determine whether or not it is established, and understand and apply the “sexual harassment susceptibility”
3. Think of ways to cope with sexual harassment in the workplace, familiarize yourself with internal and external remedy procedures, recognize the seriousness of secondary damage, and learn about labor laws to protect victims.
4. Be aware of the obligations of business owners related to sexual harassment, and strive to create a healthy organization without sexual harassment.


1. ‘Ask Anything’ type of comic talk counseling X expert lecture collaboration sexual harassment prevention education
2. Contains the essential key contents for the compulsory education
3. Compact composition
4. Offer One Stop Education
5. increase the convenience for thel earner by offering PDF curriculm


1. A company that wants to create a workplace where everyone can stay bright and healthy by preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.
2. Employees who want to create a happy and healthy organizational culture through sexual harassment prevention training in the workplace


이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 박사과정 수료(노동법 전공)
한양대학교 경영전문대학원 경영학 석사(조직인사 전공)
중앙대학교 법과대학 법학과 졸업
노무법인 마로 대표
공인노무사 (13기)
강원랜드, 한국가스안전공사 등 외부 감사자문위원
한국교육과정평가원, 성희롱심의위원회 외부전문위원
경기도경제과학진흥원, 현장애로 컨설팅 컨설턴트
여성가족부, 성별균형 포용성장 컨설턴트


[Employee trouble solution] Workplace sexual harassment prevention education
Laws and definitions for workplace sexual harassment
Requirements and types for workplace sexual harassment
Criteria for determining workplace sexual harassment
Measures and relief procedures in case of workplace sexual harassment
What we need to do to prevent sexual harassment


항목 사전 진단 진도율 진행단계평가 최종평가 과제 수료점수
평가 비율 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100점
수료조건 없음 100%이상 없음 없음 없음